Thursday, June 14, 2012

A spoon full of sugar

A spoon full of sugar
I run with a local trail group, during the course of a summer we cover nearly every trail in Auburn and the surrounding area. During the week we often stay closer to home and run at Folsom Lake a trail we often share with our equestrian friends.   Last night it was sweltering and despite choosing a shaded trail the heat hung like a stale blanket around us.  Bending over to tie my shoe felt like dipping my head into hot bath—I needed something to take my mind off my quickly warming electrolyte.   My thoughts quickly turned to horses.  I was heading to see Chief after I ran.   I planned to work with him on the ground and then ride until we couldn’t see anymore.

So I pushed on. 

After my run concluded I quickly stretched and said goodbye to some friends I hadn’t seen since last year and jumped in my car to head to see Chief.   When I arrived Chief was standing in the doorway of the barn.  I called out my greeting to him and Tiny who were the only ones to great me then headed in the house to find Chris.

I found her sitting at her computer.  She turned in her chair and made eye contact with me and told me to brace myself.   She was about to show me the video she took of me riding last week.   When the video started my only thought was –“I really need to go back on a diet” well that was my first thought, my second thought was “I need some new Jodhpurs, those show every dimple in my behind”.   Once I got over my appearance I saw that my attempt to have an active seat (purposely exaggerated for the lesson) was causing me to raise and dip my shoulders right along with my hip.  I don’t think I was quite as mortified as I should have been.  Chief looked great, his head was quiet his ears attentive.

Correcting my shoulders wasn’t such a tough pill to swallow.  I can do that.   This Sunday I plan to sit on the barrel and practice keeping my shoulder steady. I am also going to incorporate some stretches to loosen up my chronically stiff lower back. I will let you know how it goes.